vineri, 16 decembrie 2011

downloader thunder !

 folositi downloader-ul thunder pentru o viteza foarte buna in descarcarea jocurilor rip de la tgbus,unde vedeti acest tip de link  folositi acest program foarte bun si rapid,nu trebuie decat sa selectati linkul pe care vreti sa-l descarcati ,dati copy ,deschideti programul si dati new si in casuta in care trebuie copiat linkul va aparea automat acesta, nu va fii nevoie sa-i dati paste ,daca nu apare automat dati paste!

XunLei Thunder is another type of multi-resource-based Hyper-Threading technology of download software. As a Download tool in the the broadband era, Thunder is special optimized to take full advantage of the characteristics of broadband Internet access. High-speed download users enjoy a new experience! At the same time, Thunder launched the “smart download” new ideas through a wealth of tips and intelligence to help to enable users to download and enjoy fun.

It supports torrents (p2p), Direct Download (DDL), and eMule. It’s a multi usage and complete with all features of a download manager.

To use Thunder/Xunlei Portable, just extract it to any folder and run Thunder.exe. Most of the important options and preferences are translated in this version. You can easily use it without any problems. Free registration is required to download Thunder/Xunlei Portable from HeHeHunter’s blog. Do you use Thunder/Xunlei? What is your thought about Thunder/Xunlei compared with other BitTorrent clients?

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