luni, 13 februarie 2012

Dragon Ball budokai 3 pc(800mb)(mf)

descarca : mediafire
parola: Dantev1000

Cerinţe minime:
- Sistem de operare Windows XP.
- Visual C + + 2008 SP1 REDIST.
- DirectX9.
- 2 Procesor core la 2,6 GHz
- Placa grafica cu suport GeForce 9400 GT cu Overclock pe Redirecţionare
- 2GB de RAM.

Cerinţe recomandate:
- Sistem de operare Windows XP.
- Visual C + + 2008 SP1 REDIST.
- DirectX10.
- 2 Procesor core la 2,8 GHz sau mai mari.
- Placa video 9600gts sau mai mare (pentru suport Direct3D10).
- 3GB de RAM.

imagini pc:

jocul este de fapt pt. ps2 dar emulatorul de ps2 ,pcsx2 a fost modificat pentru a putea fii instalat si jucat pe pc la fel ca un joc original si poate fii jucat doar cu un dublu click pe iconita de pe desktop!

miercuri, 8 februarie 2012

Emulatore pentru Android

Mai jos sunt diferite emulatoare pentru platforma android!

Virtual GameBoy Advance v3.7.2 for Android is released. Virtual GameBoy Advance (VGBA) is a program that emulates Nintendo's GameBoy Advance on your computer. It runs GameBoy Advance games on PCs, PDAs, or just about any other sufficiently fast computer. It also helps debugging GameBoy Advance software without using a costly development system.

Virtual GameBoy Advance v3.7.2 for Android Changelog:
- Added JEDEC flash autodetection.
- Fixed saving to flash memory in Pokemon and other games.
- Fixed save feature in Final Fantasy 5 (uses 14bit EEPROM).
- Added toolbar with links to my other apps.
- Added multiple Freeze/Restore slots.

FPse v0.11.11 for Android is released. FPse for Android is the fastest and most compatible PSone emulator for handheld devices. FPse support OpenGL via external Plugin.

FPse features the following:
-High performance
-High compatibility
-High sound quality
-Real-time save states
-Audio track emulation (using .cue files)
-Dynamically loadable Overlay Pads
-Guncon emulation
-Analog Stick emulation
-Compatible with G-Sensor, Touchscreen and Hardware keys
-Supports .img, .iso, .bin, .cue, .nrg , .mdf and .Z disc image formats
-Full Support for IcontrolPAD, BGP100,Zeemote
-OpenGL support via external plugin (see Update just below)

FPse v0.11.11 for Android Changelog:
- Since Version 0.11.1 FPse support OpenGL just read below!!
- Please stop with ONE STAR! if you have any problem just send an email!
- FPse 0.11.11:
- Fixed Second Pad hardware keys mapping
- Fixed Hardware key mapping from OpenGL
- Added OpenGL 32bit renderer buffer option
- Added new options for OpenGL plugin to enhance emulation , like FF7 cursor, or Silent Hill Halo's Characters, and much more.

N64oid v2.6.3 is released. N64oid is a commercial Android port of the N64 emulator Mupen64Plus. N64oid is the very famous N64 emulator optimized for Android. It is a port of Mupen64plus, along with Ari64's ARM dynarec.

N64oid Function:
* Run most games smoothly at a reasonable speed with sound. This requires you have a high-end device (Nexus-S, Galaxy-S, Xoom, etc).
* Best game compatibility compared to all other N64 emulators on mobile devices.
* Save/load game states at ANY points, as well as in-game save support. Save files are fully compatible with Mupen64plus on PC.
* A configurable, translucent on-screen keypad that is very easy to use.
* Key mappings to map game keys to hardware buttons.
* Multiple (bluetooth) controllers support through BluezIME.
* Option to use the G-sensor as the analog stick.
* Support cheats (choose from hundreds!)
* More options:
- Fog effect
- Rumble pak emulation by vibrating the phone!

N64oid v2.6.3 Changelog:
- Fixed on-screen A/B on certain devices

Mupen64Plus AE v1.4 is released. Mupen64Plus Android Edition is a commercial Android port of the N64 emulator Mupen64Plus. Mupen64Plus AE is in Beta testing.

Mupen64Plus AE v1.4 Changelog:
** Version 1.4 (17 January 2012) ***
- Improved GUI usability
- Added Reset Default Settings
- Added work-around for black-squares (Bionic, Razer). Settings->Video->Configure->Alpha Test (NOT a complete fix)
- Fixed crash to home on some devices (Apollo). Zelda gles2n64 crash NOT fixed (S2, Yinlips). Recommend gles2rice until fixed
- Fixed corrupt data causes (no controllers, crash) requiring "Restore App Data"
- Fixed crash on Resume causes
- Updated gles2rice to v0.0.9 (improves 2D elements)

NeoDroid v1.9 is released. NeoDroid is a NeoGeo emulator frontend for GnGeoLibs. Play your favorites Neo Geo games like metal slug, king of fighter, samourai shodown and many more on your android device. NeoDroid is a SNK Neo-Geo emulator for Android and is based on GnGeo.

NeoDroid use GnGeoLibs :
GnGeoLibs is based on GnGeo by Mathieu Peponas :
NeoDroid input code is based on Selueco Nicátor work from mame4droid : , many thanks to him.
NeoDroid do not contains any roms and you MUST own the original game before downloading some.
NeoGeo is a registered trademark of SNK PLAYMORE CORPORATION.

NeoDroid v1.9 Changelog:
- Fix library download problem on froyo devices

luni, 6 februarie 2012

Joaca online jocuri ps1 pe pc

descarca: (ePSXe v1.7.0)   plugin video epsxe:   plugin netplay epsxe:  descarca bios epsxe: bios epsxe america SCPH1001.zipbios epsxe europe SCPH7003.zipbios epsxe japonia descarca:toate fisierele de mai sus intr-un singur pachet!mf!   descarcati hamachi:de aici! intrati pe pagina si descarcati unmaneged~!
Functioneaza cu orice windows!! PRIMUL PAS:deschideti hamachi
  dati click pe network,new network!pentru a crea o noua aparea o fereastra in care va trebuii sa creati un nume pentru retea si o parola,copiaza ip-ul tau de hamachi si da-l persoanelor cu care vrei sa joci online psx!  AL DOILEA PAScopieaza fisierul zlib1.dll in folderul epsxe la fel ca in imagine
  copiati fisierul bios pe care la-ti descarcat in folderul bios din epsxe si folositi scpch1001.bin
deschideti epsxe 1.7.0 ,dati click pe configure wizard si selectati:
asta este configuratia mea :-Bios: SCPH1001.BIN
-Video: Pete's OpenGL Driver 1.1.77
- (aki va tu resolución) Fullscreen - NO desktop changing
- Keep psx aspect ratio: off

- Default
- Filtering: 0
- Hi-Res textures: 0
- VRam size: 0 MBytes

- FPS limitation: off
- Frame skipping: off
- FPS limit: 200.0

- Offscreen drawing: 1
- Framebuffer texture: 0
- Framebuffer access: 0
- Alpha multipass: on
- Mask bit: off
- Advanced blending: off

- Scanlines: off
- Line mode: off
- Unfiltered FB: off
- 15 bit FB: off
- Dithering: off
- Screen smoothing: off
- Game fixes: off [00000000]

Sound: ePSXe SPU Core 1.7.0.

-Cdrom: ePSXe CDR WNT/W2K core 1.7.0.

-Pads: configurati cum vreti voi
puteti juca jocuri precum dino crisis 2 ,metal slug x,metal gear ,resident evil,parasite eve , blody roar 2 si altele!  ULTIMUL PAS:Deschideti epsxe-config-netplay
  selectati cyberpad:

meniu epsxe-file-run iso,alegeti iso-ul pe care vreti sa-l jucati si va aparea aceata fereastra:
 Server (Player 1): ip-ul nostru hamachidam click pe start gamesi asteptam sa se conecteze si celalat utuluzator caruia iati trimis ip-ul si parola voastra! Client (Player 2): copiaza ip-ul pe care i la-ti trimis si start game si gata!jocul o sa se comporte ca si cum ar fii multiplayer!
Daca vrea cineva sa joace sa si explic mai pe intelesul lui sa lase un com cu id-ul de mess sau adresa de mail!Asta este ip-ul meu hamachi:     pass:joacaonlineastea le introduceti dupa ce descarcati hamachi apoi dat click pe newtork -join an existing network,si introduceti ip-ul si parola de mai sus!Daca doriti sa postez si jocuri de ps1  foarte mici(mb) dati un com!

vineri, 3 februarie 2012

Beyblade Metal Fusion Counter Leone PC


Descarcati arhiva ,dezarhivati ,instalati fisierul exe ,deschideti jocul prin iconita creata pe desktop in urma instalarii!!
Pentru a putea rula jocul aveti nevoie de dx9 si microsoft visual c++ 2008,09,10!

Cerinţe minime:
Sistem de operare: Win. XP / Vista sau 7
Procesor: Pentium III 1,6 GHz
Memorie video: 256 MB

Cerinţe recomandate:
Sistem de operare: Win. XP / Vista sau 7
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.21 GHz
Memorie video: 512 MB​​.

imagini instalare:

un video pc:youtube

joi, 2 februarie 2012

Gundam vs Gundam psp rip(103mb)+jpcsp ex1350

pt. o viteza mai buna la descarcare folositi thunder!
descarca arhiva,dezarhiveaza,instaleaza fisierul exe di rar si jocul se va extrage intr-un folder

imagini jpcsp extreme 1350 fullscreen x16:

jpcsp 1350-extreme:

God Of War II pc rip(251mb)

descarca dlc+text cu link:
PAROLA:  by maikolik
descarcati arhiva, dezarhivati ,instalati iso cu daemon tools (sau fisierul exe )
pentru a deschide jocul nu trebuie decat sa dati un dublu-click pe icon-ul creat  pe desktop!

imagini :

video gameplay pc:YOUTUBE